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„Stakeholders in an organization are the individuals and groups who are depending on the firm in order to achieve their personal goals and whom the firm is depending for its existence.“
„Building positive ongoing stakeholder relationships for a company in the 21st century means: 1. knowing who the key stakeholders are 2. understanding the company’s dependency on each stakeholder group 3. understanding how the company impacts on each stakeholder group 4. understanding how each stakeholder group views the value or benefit oft he relationship with the company, and their legitimate needs, interests, concerns and expectations; and keeping stakeholders informed on the company’s progress and responiveness 5. proactively managing the feedback from stakeholders, responding to their legitimate needs and interests, and reporting on the progress and the outcomes.“
„Strategy deals in large part, but not entirely, with a configuration of relationships between the company and such external „contributors“. They may be called resources, or interest groups, or in system jargon, „inputs“. Since the company benefits from, and is dependent upon, a continuing cooperative exchange relationship with each stakeholder group, wise strategy formulation and implementation is vital to the company’s existence.“
„Stakeholders are those groups who affect and/or could be affected by an organisation’s activities, products or services and associated performance. This does not include all those who may have knowledge of or views about an organisation.“
„A stakeholder is any group or individual who can significantly impact or influence a company, or conversely can be impacted or influenced by the company’s operations, products and services.“
„Stakeholders in an organization are the individuals and groups who are depending on the firm in order to achieve their personal goals and whom the firm is depending for its existence.“
„Any group or individual that can affect or is affected by the achievement of a corporation’s purpose.“
„Those groups without whose support the organization would cease to exist.“